
Welcome to is an online environment for building small useful things with Python. It’s completely free and all in your browser, so you can simply open up and begin writing code!

What can you do with

You can do a lot with! Create useful bits of code, called widgets, which have all the capabilities of Python. These widgets run with a single click, require no setup, and can be easily shared or embedded. There are 4 types of widgets: scripts, scheduled tasks, HTTP APIs and GUIs.


A script widget is a place where you can write code, install any packages you like and click Run - no environment setup required. Get started with a tutorial.

Play around with the script example below or learn to build it yourself.

Scheduled Tasks

A scheduled task is a Python script that you can configure to run automatically at scheduled intervals. For example, you could create a website checker that runs every hour and emails you if your website is down. Try this tutorial to get started with scheduled tasks.

Experiment with the Scheduled Task example below or learn to build it yourself.


An HTTP API lets you build code that talks to other code. For example, you could handle events from webhooks, build a public API for your data, or build a backend for something else. Getting an HTTP API online with is extremely quick – learn how to get your first API online with this tutorial.

Check out the API example below or learn to build it yourself.


A graphical user interface (GUI), also called a user interface (UI), enables users to interact with your widget’s code using visual elements like buttons, textboxes, labels, links and dropdowns. You can use’s drag-and-drop editor to design your GUI by dropping components, like buttons, into the designer. Then link the components to Python methods which are triggered when the user does something. Get started by building daily log widget with this tutorial.

Try the GUI example below or learn to build it yourself.

These docs will tell you everything you need to get started building in, but the fastest way to get started is to play with some examples. features offers a range of handy features, including:

  • Online Scripting and Sharing: Instantly test and share your Python scripts in an online environment.
  • Embeddable Code Snippets: Easily embed runnable code snippets into any website or repository as widgets.
  • Effortless HTTP API Building: Create and deploy HTTP APIs with ease.
  • Scheduled Code Execution: Schedule your code to run as and when you need it.
  • GUI Development: Build GUIs so anyone can interact with your code.
  • One-Click Deployment: Deploy your Python code with a single click.
  • Discover Trending Code: Explore trending code snippets and projects from other developers.
  • Free Forever, Not Freemium: PySpace is a free accessible platform for Python developers of all levels.
  • No Installation: PySpace requires no setup or installation, it works entirely in your browser.
  • Install Packages: Install all your favourite packages and libraries

How to share your code is designed to help you create useful projects and easily share your code. Here are some ways to share your code with

  • Make Your Widgets Public: You can make your widgets public and they will show up on your profile. You’ll be able to link to them directly using their sharing URL.
  • Embed Widgets: You can embed your widgets on other websites, in repositories or in documentation – making them accessible beyond
  • Build a Portfolio: Showcase your code by building a portfolio of your widgets. Your profile page can become a neat portfolio for you to share your work with the world.
  • Link To Widgets Directly: You can take people directly to your code with the widget’s sharing link.

Forking Widgets

If you’ve found a public widget you like, you can fork it to get your own copy and edit it yourself.

For more information on sharing, embedding, forking, widget URLs, and building a portfolio check out our documentation here.

Is free?

Yes, is completely free to use. It is developed by the team behind Anvil, a platform for building and hosting full-stack apps entirely in Python. is backed by the same platform and toolkit as Anvil – in fact, all of your widgets can be opened as Anvil apps. If you like, why not try out Anvil?

Anvil offers a Free Plan that includes most features, and advanced features are available starting at $14 a month. This model helps keep both Anvil’s Free Plan and completely free.

What next?

Pick up and try it out! Go to and try one of our featured examples, or start with a simple tutorial.

One small step for a developer, one giant leap for the community!

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