
Build a GUI

A graphical user interface (GUI) is how most ordinary people interact with the web. In you can create GUIs with buttons, textboxes, tables, data grids, videos and much more. GUIs allow anyone to interact with your code.


We’re going to build a Captain’s Log widget, where you can log what’s happened each day. It will send each log entry to you by email, so your inbox contains a record of your adventures.

Here’s the finished widget:

1. Create a GUI widget

Go to your account’s homepage, and under “What do you want to build?”, click GUI.

By default, the GUI will come with a little “Hello World” interface. Select those components and delete them.

2. Design the page

To build your interface, open the Design tab and drag and drop components from the Toolbox onto your page.

  • Drag an
    Outlined Card from the Toolbox onto your page.
  • Then drag a
    Label into it.
  • Double-click the Label and type “What happened today?”
  • Drag a
    TextArea onto the card, under the Label.
  • Click the name of your new TextArea (it will start off as text_area_1), and type a new name: log_box
  • Drag a
    Button onto the card, underneath the TextArea
  • Double-click the Button, and type new text “Email today’s log entry to me”
  • Open the Properties panel, and scroll down until you find Appearances. Click More Appearance properties, then find the role property. Change the role to filled-button.

There we go – you’ve built your interface!

3. Write server code to send an email

Select the Server tab, and write the following code:

from datetime import datetime, date

def submit_log(log_text):
      from_name="Mission Log",
      subject=f"Mission Log for {}",
      text=f"Today's log, submitted at {'%c')}:\n\n{log_text}"

4. Call that server code from the client

Go back to your design, and select your button. Click where it says on click event, to go to the code that runs when your button is clicked. (If there’s anything already in that method, delete it!)

Write the following code:"submit_log", self.log_box.text)
    alert("Mission log recorded!")
Notice that this code is using the name of the log_box TextArea component you just created, as well as the submit_log server function. If you’ve called either of them different names, you’ll have to change them here too!

Double-check: That means the full code for your UI class should look like this:

class UI(UITemplate):
  def __init__(self, **properties):

  def button_1_click(self, **event_args):
    """This method is called when the button is clicked""""submit_log", self.log_box.text)
    alert("Mission log recorded!")

5. Run it!

Your Mission Log recorder is complete! Click Run at the bottom-right of your widget to try it out.

6. Publish it on your profile

Click the switch at the top of your widget to make your widget public, so it appears on your profile!

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